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  • Windows 11 Screenshots: 7 Simple Techniques by using Shortcut

Windows 11 Screenshots: 7 Simple Techniques by using Shortcut

For those who have updated to Windows 11, some may be wondering how to take screenshots. Here, we will pick up and explain several methods for capturing and saving screenshots for those who have upgraded to Windows 11.

Table of Contents
7 Selected Methods for Taking Screenshots in Windows 11
There are seven methods for taking screenshots in Windows 11, as listed below:

Capture the entire screen with “PrintScreen”
Capture the entire screen with “Windows + PrintScreen”
Capture only the active window with “Alt + PrintScreen”
Capture only the active window with “Windows + Alt + PrintScreen”
Capture the active window using the “Xbox Game Bar”
Capture a portion of the screen with “Windows + Shift + S”
Capture a selected portion of the screen using a tool

Method 1: Capture the entire screen with “PrintScreen”


This method utilizes the “PrintScreen” key. By pressing the “PrintScreen” key, you can take a screenshot of the entire screen. The captured image is saved to the clipboard, allowing you to directly paste it into applications like Excel or Word.

Method 2: Capture the entire screen with “Windows + PrintScreen”

Windows + PrintScreen

By simultaneously pressing the “Windows + PrintScreen” keys, you can take a screenshot of the entire screen, similar to the “PrintScreen” key. However, unlike the “PrintScreen” key, this method allows you to save the screenshot as an image file. The captured screenshot is automatically saved to “C:\Users(username)\Pictures\Screenshots”.

Method 3: Capture only the active window with “Alt + PrintScreen”

Alt + PrintScreen

The active window refers to the selected application window. To capture a screenshot of the active window, click within the window you want to capture and press “Alt + PrintScreen” while keeping it active. Only the active window will be saved to the clipboard. The image in the clipboard can be directly pasted.

Method 4: Capture only the active window with “Windows + Alt + PrintScreen”

Windows + Alt + PrintScreen

Pressing the “Windows + Alt + PrintScreen” keys allows you to capture a screenshot of the active window, similar to “Alt + PrintScreen”. However, unlike “Alt + PrintScreen”, the screenshot is automatically saved as an image file to “C:\Users(username)\Videos\Captures”.

Method 5: Capture the active window using the “Xbox Game Bar”

Windows + G

The “Xbox Game Bar” is a built-in tool in Windows 11 that allows you to capture the active window. To activate the Xbox Game Bar, make the window you want to capture active and press “Windows + G”. Then, click the camera button within the tool to capture the active window. The captured image is saved to “C:\Users(username)\Videos\Captures”.

Method 6: Capture a portion of the screen with “Windows + Shift + S”

Windows + Shift + S

By simultaneously pressing the “Windows + Shift + S” keys, the screen will darken, allowing you to capture a specific area of the screen. After that, use the mouse to drag and select the desired area for the screenshot. The selected screenshot is saved to the clipboard without appearing on the screen, allowing you to directly paste it into applications like Excel or Word.

Method 7: Capture a selected portion of the screen using a tool
Using the built-in “Snipping Tool” in Windows 11, you can capture only a portion of the screen. You can select the area you want to screenshot through mouse operation, making it easy to achieve. The captured image is copied to the clipboard and can also be manually saved to any folder. Additionally, the tool allows for image editing, providing flexible options.

In Windows 11, you can still take screenshots as before. Screenshots are useful for sharing images and creating documents, so choose and utilize the most convenient method among the ones mentioned here.